
UC Berkeley

5th Year Research M.S. in EECS

Graduate Student Researcher at Berkeley AI Research

Expected Graduation May 2024, GPA: 4.0

B.S. in EECS + French Minor

Graduated May 2023, GPA: 3.92

Academic Honors

Tech Coursework: Data Structures and Algorithms, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Multivariable Calculus, Discrete Math and Probability Theory, Computer Architecture, Probability and Stochastic Processes, Machine Learning, Database Systems

Student Organizations: Venture Strategy Solutions, The Daily Californian


E. Whang*, D. McAllister*, A. Reddy, A. Kohli, and L. Waller, "SeidelNet: an aberration-informed deep learning model for spatially varying deblurring" in AI and Optical Data Sciences IV. Vol. 12438. SPIE, 2023 | Publication

A. Kohli*, A. Angelopoulos*, D. McAllister, E. Whang, S. You, K. Yanny, and L. Waller, "Ring Deconvolution Microscopy" | arXiv

M. Tancik*, E. Weber*, E. Ng*, R. Li, B. Yi, J. Kerr, T. Wang, A. Kristoffersen, J. Austin, K. Salahi, A. Ahuja, D. McAllister, and A. Kanazawa, "Nerfstudio: A Modular Framework for Neural Radiance Field Development", in ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Conference Proceedings | arXiv | GitHub


Summer 2023

DoorDash - Machine Learning Engineering Intern

  • Engineered distributed LLM training and inference infrastructure to optimize and deploy across dozens of GPUs (Ray)
  • Planned, developed and trained new transformerized restaurant recommendation algorithm integrating discrete order history and human language food descriptions, outperforming previous algorithm in accuracy and diversity
  • Prototyped personalized notification generation with QLoRA fine-tuned Llama 2 large language model
Summer 2022

DoorDash - Software Engineering Intern

  • Built full-stack Mailchimp app integration for DoorDash merchants to sync customer contacts for marketing campaigns
  • Engineered fault tolerant secret encryption and storage (HashiCorp Vault), data retrieval (Snowflake), contact uploads (REST), monitoring for failed jobs, and recurring incremental syncs through multiple microservices (AWS, gRPC)
  • Developed and deployed production web interface to perform OAuth2-compliant handshake, onboard merchants, and reflect sync state (ReactJS, Redux)
Summer 2021

Apple - Machine Learning Intern

  • Implemented unsupervised ML models for manufacturing technicians to identify and diagnose failures (XGBoost)
  • Improved interpretability for non-technical audiences using dimensionality reduction (T-SNE) and feature extraction
Summer 2020

Gilead Sciences - Software Image Analysis and Machine Learning Intern

  • Developed deep learning models to measure the development of fibrosis in cross-sectional scans of diabetic mice

For more information, please refer to my resume above.

I take a lot of photos

I have experience in portraiture, photojournalism and nature photography. Feel free to check out some of my work.

I'm a published app developer

I designed and developed a comprehensive, 5-star rated mobile app for the Homestead High School library. My development partner and I were awarded a Congressional App Challenge prize for overhauling the library experience for a peak of 1200 monthly student users